Making Spirits Bright, Glam Night | Find Your Beauty Tribe

I say it all of the time but this sisterhood is something that is literally invaluable to me. Years ago I yearned for this bond with women. I tried another company and thought THIS IS IT. It was a network marketing company but the sisterhood fell flat for me. So I thought, networking marketing is just something someone wants you to sign up for but not something that would give me the sisterhood that I really want. That was NOT true. That company was just not the right fit for me.

I saw Stacy being silly on FB, and reached out to her about this makeup she was talking about. I have always loved makeup so I thought,”Hmmmmm, maybe THIS will be the time to get that sisterhood I wanted.” I thought about it, talked to Stacy about the business, and prayed on it. I woke up the next morning and just felt like,”HELL YEA, this is for me!”

That’s where it all started. Here we are seven months later and I couldn’t imagine being a part of anything else. This was not a company that was going to make me feel like an outsider. They embraced me and never let me go! I did not know I needed that but I SO did!

Take a look at these pictures from the event we hosted in Slidell, LA last night!